Misc. Pictures (All photos by Capone unless otherwise noted)  

Yellow warehouse Old warehouse in downtown London. At this point it's not certain if the building is abandoned or not...
Yellow warehouse A second shot showing a closeup of the original second story loading doors.
... A dark room, and the entrance to the corridor...
:D Extremely tiny (5") drain we found in Thamesford. Click the next shot down for a closeup of the notice stenciled on it.
:D And the humorous warning on said drain...
Old Garage Old, disused garage-type structure near the GM Plant.
Remains... The last remains of the Crestwood building. RIP 2003. Damn the vandals....
Remains... Another shot of the same.
Restaurant An abandoned restaurant off the 401...
Window King Pie (at left) And Sneaker98 look out of a basement window in the Laundry Building at the ORC.
75 Waterloo St. Secured abandoned house at 75 Waterloo St. Right next to the house at 73 Waterloo St. This place used to have a porch which has apparently been removed since last year.
Cabell St. Substation Old, bricked up, but still partially active SubStation found on Cabell St.
Cabell St. Substation The main entranceway. Hard to see in this picture, but above the door it says:
Public Utilities Commission
City of London
Sub-Station No. 2

Cabell St. Substation A closeup of one of the old lamps next to the main entrance.
Booth at the Wing An abandoned booth located in front of Essex Pavilion where the access road first enters The Wing. Its purpose is unknown at this time.
Thames St. Bridge. Cool old train trestle we found at Thames St. & Bathurst with a short tunnel for the road. Built 1889. That's Agent Boner to the right, looking at something in the bushes.
Thames St. Bridge. A closeup of the keystone with engraved date.
Thames St. Bridge. Hard to see in this picture, but at right that's Agent Jimbo climbing up the ladder-like wooden structure, while Agent Boner looks on.
London Asylum for the Insane Abandoned London Hospital for the Insane, located on (active) London Psychiatric Hospital grounds. Built 1870. It's under pretty heavy guard and virtually no information is known about this place's history at this time.
Old Queen Alexandra Sanatorium? This abandoned building is one of a few structures possibly part of the old Queen Alexandra Sanatorium complex which we believe used to exist on what is now CPRI property.
St. Thomas Train Station The historic St. Thomas train station. Currently sealed up and under video serveillance, this massive building is caught between being restored and torn down.
Watson Warehouse Old warehouse building, constructed right on the riverbank. Main floor is ruined by fire...
Huge old building This is a large and very old building we found next to the tracks in an East End industrial area. Only the ground floor (if any) appears to be used. Although we don't have any plans for an exploration, we felt it should be included here. [Photo: Citizen-X]
50's gaspump We found this (extremely rare) 1950's-type gas pump rusting away in front of an abandoned truck depot in the same area as the first picture on this page. The little grey box on top appeared to be some kind of card-stamping device. As for the meter reading, it was stopped at 9995. [Photo: Citizen-X]
Large old factory at dusk Just a shot of a large old factory building at dusk...
Abandoned Hotel Boarded up abandoned hotel, near the Hotel House. The hotel is entirely secured, and last time we were there, there was a horrible stench coming out of the open window on the 2nd floor of the office section.

All pictures/content © UEL 2002 - 2007. All rights reserved.